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On disc: Dornenreich

Flammentriebe - Lars Bjørn - 9 stars
Flammentriebe - Claudia Ehrhardt - 9 stars


(Prophecy Productions - 2011)

The Austrian avant garde metal outfit Dornenreich is back with Flammentriebe - and in a way they return to their past. Their last releases could have been categorized as neo folk, but at their 7th studio album they bring back the black metal roots.
The opener Flammenmensch kicks off with acoustic guitar, violin and whispered words, but then they head into a fast black metal passage. Flammenmensch is offering speed changes, black metal elements spiced up with violin and poetic vocals. In a way they combine the sounds of the past, the black metal roots and their neo folk days mixed up and so they create something new. Almost fragile sounds the violin at the opening passage of Der wunde Trieb, get almost steam rolled by the riff attack, but fight back and gives Der wunde Trieb a melodic and melancholy touch. Tief im Land takes you onto a sonic roller coaster ride with aggressive guitar riffs, a sad violin melody and angry vocals - but change the atmosphere with whispered words and spoken word passages. A different story is Wolfpuls which shows a different facet, almost catchy is the heavy passage with it's positive vibe, but then they slow down and present a melancholy passage with acoustic guitar and violin. With the following songs they present variations of the previous tunes, but In allem Weben sticks out a bit with furious black metal attacks and a beautiful violin melody. The spoken word passage is intensive and the following passage makes you feel uneasy... Even the violin seems to be threatening... The closer Erst deine Träne löscht den Brand is an instrumental track where they turn back to their more recent past, for a moment black-ish riffs seem to disturb the atmosphere, but then acoustic guitar and violin reign again and create a beautiful, peaceful atmosphere - at least for awhile. Again they use whispered words to get back the listeners attention, just to head into a heavy but melodic part.
Dornenreich present a strong album which should bring back fans of their earlier releases who never really got into their more mellow side, but they don't turn their back to the genre they pursued with their last albums. They took a walk on the razor's edge - and they succeeded! Kudos!

9 stars

Claudia Ehrhardt



(Prophecy Productions - 2011)

This album is to follow up on the 6 previous albums from the Austrian death metal, folk metal ensemble from Tyrol. Eviga (Jochen Stock) has put together an album that is absolutely brilliant. Their music is very special, all text are in German language, they are oriented on death themes, but their style include soft music with violins, folk metal attitudes, and their musical direction is not heard that often in modern history of metal music. All of their albums doesn't have many songs on them, and the new CD Flammentriebe have a total of 8 songs. People might categorize Dornenreich as originals, even weirdos, in any way I don't hesitate to call this a strange, but also an outstanding CD release. Flames are the main headline for Dornenreich, it dominates all content of this album. Earlier in their career they we focused on death metal, but now there are techno-metal, folk metal, melodic symphony like passages in most of the songs, they even find it meaningful to use bongo drums as well.
All the songs stand out for themselves, but Flammenmensch, Fährte der Nacht, Wandel geschehe are songs that gives you a thrilling shake of the entire body when you listen to it.
The technical production of the CD is not the best, it's low, and if turn the sound up the recording quality have a tendency making resonance in the speakers. That is a shame, because the album is of extreme quality. If people want something different to listen to for relaxation and enjoyment this album Flammentriebe is a good choice, and if you want a strange and odd musical experience you have the possibility with Flammentriebe.

9 stars

Lars Bjørn


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