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On disc: Yautja

Songs Of Descent - Lars Bjørn - 4 stars

Songs Of Descent

Songs Of Descent
(Forcefield Records - 2014)

With the special name Yautja the band breaks the ice to enter the files of metal albums. They have their own style of death metal, but it feels like they could have done more to get a clear guidance through their kind of music. The mix of sounds is too widespread to get a result that tells something about what kind of band they are. It goes from acid death metal to dark psychedelic metal and back to strange speed death metal, and to mention some of the best material on the album I would highlight Tar And Blindness, a song with energy and a punk attitude. Also Faith Resigned could be heard more than once, with its staccato drums and death metal with nerve.

4 stars

Lars Bjørn


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