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On disc: Riverside

- Out Of Myself - Monika Schmidt - 8 stars

Out Of Myself

Out Of Myself
(Laser's Edge - 2004)

Never heard of Riverside? Me, too. I just read about them in some ProgPower Europe review and it sounded interesting. On some mailing list people were talking about the Polish band and it sounded even more interesting. So I bought the album. A good decision, coz this prog rock album is a more then decent debut. In the underground they soon will be known, if all genre fans will discover the band... I have my doubts. To give you an idea about their sound I would name Marillion - the Riverside singer sounds like the younger brother of Fish - , Pink Floyd, Anathema and from creating soundscapes also The Gathering. To choose The Same River as the opening track is - in my opinion - the wrong choice, the 12 minute long opus is no easy listening. The track Loose Heart would have been the better choice, coz it's almost catchy. Another track I can recommend to check out is the instrumental Reality Dream. Here the keyboard is waving a soundfloor which builds the basis for the guitar riffing. The lead guitar is adding the melody and in a way taking over the vocal line, if there would be vocals.
To make more prog rock fans aware of them, they need a good tour.... Hopefully they get this chance.

8 stars

Monika Schmidt
(translation: Claudia Ehrhardt)


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