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On disc: Mammutant

Atomizer - Lars Bjørn - 6 stars
Atomizer - Claudia Ehrhardt - 6 stars


(Massacre Records - 2010)

Mammutant are presenting a sci-fi opus and even if they don't have masks like Lordi or GWAR, but there are similarities in the concept.
After the intro Cannibals they head into Kutulu Rising, a heavy, riff-based rocker with growls. For a story of war the songs aren't brutal enough... You would expect a wild ride, some raw and aggressive parts... But the Mammutants aren't taking the world by storm... it's more like they put them under siege... Season Of The Wolves offers some thrashy parts, but most of the time the music of Gabul and the rest of the trio infernale is based in doom metal. At Atomizer I miss aggressiveness... Enter Bukatha is an interlude and leads you into The Fall Of Ultrosstus, for this one the trio speeds up a bit... Then they push a bit more, but instead of heading into a fast black metal passage they just give you an idea what to come - but it never really happens. They slow down again and are back to doomy shores. At Kamuula Karmjakk they sound more alive... Even if they still sound like something is slowing them down... Slow, doomy sounds aren't bad at all, but I miss intensity... They should be full of verve, but they aren't. At Cyberincarceration they sound more alive for a moment, but then a break and the passage with clean vocals is too tamed again. The idea to use clean vocals is good, but therefor the heavy part with growls need to be more aggressive... raw, so that the contrast is bigger.
Well, musically not bad, but the songs are too one-dimensional. I recommend fans of doom death metal to check out Mammutant.

6 stars

Claudia Ehrhardt



(Massacre Records - 2010)

Our sound is the one that comes when you listen to Gnawing On Human Testicles. Their self-confidence is splendid, this melodic trash metal band Mammutant who doesn't give a shit about what anybody might think of them. If they want to do something, they just go ahead and do it. With names like Gabul, vocals; Maschgullh, bass; Sardukh, drums; Imperion, guitars, the band do as they describe in their song Take No Prisoners. They surge forward with some good songs (Kutula Rising, Atomizer, Brainslugs, Paradise Of Flesh), but the other material is more ordinary.
They have their strength in their massive impression. Seeing them live must be a hell of an experience, they can create the most ultimate headbanging ever. And if a band want to name songs this way: Enter Bukatha, Kamuula Karmaljakk then I can see nothing odd about that.

6 stars

Lars Bjørn


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